Monday, May 25, 2020

Conjugate Trouver (to Find) in French

In French, the verb  trouver  means to find. This is a little easier to remember if you think of finding a treasure trove. Beyond that, youll also need to memorize the verbs conjugations in order to say things like the present tense finding and the past tense found. A quick lesson will introduce you to the essential conjugations of  trouver  youll need. The Basic Conjugations of  Trouver Verb conjugations in French are a little trickier than they are in English. Where we use -ing and -ed endings to indicate the present and past tenses, French uses a new ending for each subject pronoun within each tense. That means you have more words to memorize. The good news for French students is that  trouver  is a  regular -er verb. It follows the most common conjugation patterns found in the French language, so the endings you learn here can also be applied to a number of other verbs. Well begin the lesson with the indicative mood, which includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses. Once you know that the verbs radical (or stem) is  trouv-, you can apply the appropriate ending. The chart will help you study these words. Simply pair the subject pronoun with the proper tense for your sentence. For example, I am finding is  je trouve  and we found is  nous trouvions. Practicing these in context will speed up your memorization and there are many common  expressions with  trouver  that can help you out. Present Future Imperfect je trouve trouverai trouvais tu trouves trouveras trouvais il trouve trouvera trouvait nous trouvons trouverons trouvions vous trouvez trouverez trouviez ils trouvent trouveront trouvaient The Present Participle of  Trouver For regular verbs, adding -ant to the verb stem forms the present participle. For trouver, that creates the word trouvant. Trouver  in the Compound Past Tense Beyond the imperfect, you can also use the compound past tense known as the  passà © composà ©. This requires a simple construction using the  auxiliary verb  avoir  and the  past participle  trouvà ©. The only conjugation you need to worry about here is for  avoir.  Youll use the present tense that matches the subject, then attach the past participle. For example, I found is  jai trouvà ©Ã‚  and we found is  nous avons trouvà ©. More Simple Conjugations of  Trouver Among the other simple conjugations youll want to study for  trouver  are the subjunctive and the conditional. They both have some degree of uncertainty in the act of finding, with the conditional implying that its dependent on something else happening. There may also be times when youll encounter or use the passà © simple  or  imperfect subjunctive. However, all of the other forms should be your top priority as these are only used on occasion. Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je trouve trouverais trouvai trouvasse tu trouves trouverais trouvas trouvasses il trouve trouverait trouva trouvà ¢t nous trouvions trouverions trouvà ¢mes trouvassions vous trouviez trouveriez trouvà ¢tes trouvassiez ils trouvent trouveraient trouvà ¨rent trouvassent The imperative  form  is the only one that doesnt require the subject pronoun. Its used in short sentences and instead of  tu trouve, you can simplify it to  trouve. Imperative (tu) trouve (nous) trouvons (vous) trouvez

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